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澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖-2024年澳洲幸运五开奖-实时官方直播号码 Cosmic Software...

makes C compilers and other Embedded System Development Tools for a variety of microcontrollers from NXP (ex Freescale), STmicroelectronics and others. With over 40 years experience, worldwide presence and a leadership in automotive and industrial markets you can trust 澳洲幸运5官网免费-168开奖官方开奖网站查询 Cosmic tools to be the best value for your embedded projects. This web site provides information about the embedded development tools, evaluation software, product updates, application notes, example code, and technical support.

Global presence, local focus

You are currently browsing the 奥州幸运5 Cosmic Europe website. In order to best serve our Customers, there is a site for Europe and one for US, and we provide local support in some countries: click on the flags for country-specific contact information. The download and technical information sections are common.

STM8 Free compiler, now with MISRA checker (2024).
The popular STM8 free compiler now also includes a MISRA checker (plus STM32 limited to 32k) Download.

STRED toolchain
澳洲5开官网开奖计划-澳洲幸运五开奖官网开奖结果 Cosmic and STMicroelectronics jointly develop and support a GNU-based toolchain for the STRED architecture.
Info and download

S12Z Tools, now with MISRA (2024).
澳洲幸运5最新开奖号码免费-澳洲幸运5开奖结果官网直播 Cosmic Announces New Development Tools for NXP Semiconductor's S12Z CPU Core and S12ZVM MagniV microcontroller (MCU) family. More...


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